The intimate, one-year coaching program & community designed to crystalize your vision, increase your balance, AND create the life you’ve always wanted while living in harmony in all areas of your life - love and relationships, health and well-being, career and success, AND time and money freedom!

Classes will start on March 2, 2023. Reserve your slot now!

Sessions will happen every Wednesday for 52 weeks

What if you could live a life that you’re excited to wake up to every morning without wasting countless hours staying stuck in your past, searching for solutions, living your life as someone you aren’t completely in love with?


Do any (or all) of these points sound like you?

You're Overwhelmed.

You feel like your life is in constant motion, but somehow you can never keep up with all the demands of career, relationships, personal growth, and health. You know something has to change, but you aren't sure who to trust or where to begin.

You're unhappy with where you are.

This stage of life, feels so far away from the vision you have for your "dream life"! You wonder, "Do I deserve to have the life I've always wanted, or am I destined to remain stuck here, forever?"

You want your voice to be heard.

You know you have uniquely powerful gifts and talents to offer, and you want the world to know as well. You're craving the ability to make your voice heard, share your passion, and advocate for all the beautiful parts of you!

You're Fed Up.

You're quickly reaching your limit... and you know it. You know something has to fundamentally change in order for you to tap into your inner beauty, wisdom, and inner power.

You're craving balance.

This stage of life, feels so far away from the vision you have for your "dream life"! You wonder, "Do I deserve to have the life I've always wanted, or am I destined to remain stuck here, forever?"

You want more

You want more for your life, for your career, your spiritual connection, and yourself. You can't shake the feeling that you were meant for more, and you're ready to discover exactly what "more" means for you.

If you resonated with any of the above ...

I am so glad you are here

Do any (or all) of these points sound like you?

You're Overwhelmed.

You feel like your life is in constant motion, but somehow you can never keep up with all the demands of career, relationships, personal growth, and health. You know something has to change, but you aren't sure who to trust or where to begin.

You're unhappy with where you are.

This stage of life, feels so far away from the vision you have for your "dream life"! You wonder, "Do I deserve to have the life I've always wanted, or am I destined to remain stuck here, forever?"

You want your voice to be heard.

You know you have uniquely powerful gifts and talents to offer, and you want the world to know as well. You're craving the ability to make your voice heard, share your passion, and advocate for all the beautiful parts of you!

You're Fed Up.

You're quickly reaching your limit... and you know it. You know something has to fundamentally change in order for you to tap into your inner beauty, wisdom, and inner power.

You're craving balance.

This stage of life, feels so far away from the vision you have for your "dream life"! You wonder, "Do I deserve to have the life I've always wanted, or am I destined to remain stuck here, forever?"

You want more

You want more for your life, for your career, your spiritual connection, and yourself. You can't shake the feeling that you were meant for more, and you're ready to discover exactly what "more" means for you.

If you resonated with any of the above ...

I am so glad you are here

The Truth is nothing changes if nothing changes....

If you want to step into your most aligned and most authentic self AND create the life of your dreams... then it’s important to read every word on this page...

I want you to take a moment and imagine...

Deeply Accepting Yourself

You finally recognize, know, and honor the fullness of the and beautiful woman you truly are. You now exude confidence because you know and love the person that you really are.

Tapping into greater Abundance and Wealth

You now know how to incorporate powerful wisdom practices to transform the essential areas of your life.

Experiencing Beauty in the World

As you forgive your past, and move yourself forward, you’re able to see, attract, and create beauty in your life. Not only does it happen organically, but it happens with alignment and abundance.

Feeling Supported

You are not alone, and you feel it. You are beautifully unique but understand that you don’t have to walk this journey alone. You finally feel able to incorporate the wisdom, experience, and expertise of a mentor who has been in your shoes.

Making a Positive Impact

When you take care of yourself, you’re more able to care for others. You know how to lovingly prioritize your needs and desires so you’re more able to serve those around you.

Being Unapologetically You

No more lessening yourself by remaining stuck in your past! Now that you know who you are, you can flow with energy and live in joy!

Here’s the truth: You can have all of this by forgiving your past, stepping into gratitude, and deciding to live a balanced life of joy, gratitude, and beauty.

That’s what I want for you.

I want you to take a moment and imagine...

Deeply Accepting Yourself

You finally recognize, know, and honor the fullness of the and beautiful woman you truly are. You now exude confidence because you know and love the person that you really are.

Tapping into greater Abundance and Wealth

You now know how to incorporate powerful wisdom practices to transform the essential areas of your life.

Experiencing Beauty in the World

As you forgive your past, and move yourself forward, you’re able to see, attract, and create beauty in your life. Not only does it happen organically, but it happens with alignment and abundance.

Feeling Supported

You are not alone, and you feel it. You are beautifully unique but understand that you don’t have to walk this journey alone. You finally feel able to incorporate the wisdom, experience, and expertise of a mentor who has been in your shoes.

Making a Positive Impact

When you take care of yourself, you’re more able to care for others. You know how to lovingly prioritize your needs and desires so you’re more able to serve those around you.

Being Unapologetically You

No more lessening yourself by remaining stuck in your past! Now that you know who you are, you can flow with energy and live in joy!

Here’s the truth: You can have all of this by forgiving your past, stepping into gratitude, and deciding to live a balanced life of joy, gratitude, and beauty.

That’s what I want for you.

I want to introduce to you my signature program

Crystalize your vision, increase your balance, AND create the life you’ve always wanted while living in harmony in all areas of your life - love and relationships, health and well-being, career and success, AND time and money freedom!

The Design Your Life Program is my guided, one-year coaching program and community that will teach you how to get unstuck from the wounds of your past, so you can heal your hurt, break your hustle mentality, and finally live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

It’s time you finally stopped dealing with self-doubt, uncertainty, and lack of direction AND finally moved forward with discernment and direction!

Inside, you’ll discover that the strategies I share will help you find purpose and direction in life, experience greater emotional and spiritual freedom, AND stop choosing between your personal and professional goals!

In fact, this is the exact system my most successful students used to find greater balance, certainty, and confidence that completely transformed their lives!

Your Breakthrough begins just as soon as you balance the core pillars of your life

Meet your Coach, Mentor, and Biggest Supporter

Hi, I’m Master Marilag!

For almost as long as I can remember, I’ve been interested in spirituality, deep spiritual connection, and knowing the fullness of my most authentic self. I experienced many spiritual modalities, but it wasn’t until I found Pranic Healing at age 40 that I uncovered all the answers I had been searching for.

I began to pursue and study Pranic Healing under the guidance of my teacher, GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui. During my studies, my teacher instilled the importance of a happy, healthy family life into me. From that point forward, I brought my three boys to every international event I attended. It felt like overnight, I began to WAKE UP and see how truly powerful I really am.

My teacher gave me all the energetic tools I needed to embrace my spiritual journey, but there was another part of me that always knew I wanted to become a coach so I could serve and help even more people! I was drawn to the possibility of combining energetic knowledge with tangible practice in the physical world. I dove head-first into coaching certification to begin serving women to practice Pranic Healing principles in their day-to-day life and assert real change. Now I'm on a mission to help once passive women grab hold of their lives, use and share their voice no voice, and express themselves with authenticity!

That’s why I'm so passionate about the Design Your Dream Life program. I want to help women, like you, shine in and own their full potential! I’m so passionate about empowering you to pursue and achieve WHATEVER you want, even if that’s different from what your career, culture, family, or the world expects.

You can experience authentic balance, harmony, beauty, and love! Let me show you how in this one-year, Design Your Dream Life Program!

What people are saying about Design Your Dream Life

Welcome to ...

Crystalize your vision, increase your balance, AND create the life you’ve always wanted while living in harmony in all areas of your life - love and relationships, health and well-being, career and success, AND time and money freedom!

During this one year program, you'll learn ...

  • How to create new patterns of love, greater visions, health, beauty, happiness, and well-being.

  • How to heal and forgive your past so you can pursue your future with greater acceptance and joy!

  • How to find your voice and use it!

  • ​How to attract and experience greater financial and time freedom.

  • How to step into the multi-dimensional, multi-passionate woman you really are.

  • How to have it all! You can experience success in business and career, thriving relationships, personal acceptance, a greater spiritual connection and more!


$30,041 Total Value

When you join, You'll get exclusive access to ...

  • Weekly, one-hour trainings taught by Master Marilag [over 52 trainings total] ($350 Value per Training, $18,200 Value per Year)

  • ​Private 1:1, 30-minute accountability session with Master Marilag at the end of each month [12 sessions total] ($297 Value per Training, $3,564 Value per Year)

  • ​Weekly audio recordings to help you shift your mindset, heal the inner child, and activate the new programming ($80 Value per Month, $960 Value per Year)

  • Design Your Dream Life worksheets and assessments to support you towards your goals ($297 Value).

  • Subconscious Mind Healing including topics of money, wealth, abundance, healing, acceptance, and spirituality ($5,720 Value)

  • Exclusive access to private Facebook Group and Whatsapp Community for even more support ($300 Value)

  • Unlimited Access to all session recordings ($1,000 Value)

That’s a $30,041 Value

For just $8888 when you pay in full

Installment plans are also available!

$30,041 Total Value

When you join, You'll get exclusive access to ...

  • Weekly, one-hour trainings taught by Master Marilag [over 52 trainings total] ($350 Value per Training, $18,200 Value per Year)

  • ​Private 1:1, 30-minute accountability session with Master Marilag at the end of each month [12 sessions total] ($297 Value per Training, $3,564 Value per Year)

  • ​Weekly audio recordings to help you shift your mindset, heal the inner child, and activate the new programming ($80 Value per Month, $960 Value per Year)

  • Design Your Dream Life worksheets and assessments to support you towards your goals ($297 Value).

  • Subconscious Mind Healing including topics of money, wealth, abundance, healing, acceptance, and spirituality ($5,720 Value)

  • Exclusive access to private Facebook Group and Whatsapp Community for even more support ($300 Value)

  • Unlimited Access to all session recordings ($1,000 Value)

That’s a $30,041 Value

For just $8888 when you pay in full

Installment plans are also available!

Who is this program FOR?

  • Women who want to own their identity, excel in their career, and step up in their feminine power.

  • Women who need support in becoming more organized and better managing their time.

  • Women who are overwhelmed and exhausted by the daily chores of life.

  • ​​Women who want to feel more harmonized and balanced in Love, Happiness, Prosperity and an increased Spiritual connection.

  • ​​Women who are passionate and eager about becoming the best they can be.

I​f these points describe you perfectly, you're in the perfect place. The Design Your Dream Life Program was made for you!

Who is this program NOT FOR?

  • Women who love to sign up and never follow through.

  • Women who are skilled at collecting tools but struggle to put those tools into action.

  • Women who are not motivated to become a better version of yourself

  • ​Women who are not willing to put your work into action.

  • Women who are comfortable where they are now.

If the points above sounds like you, this is probably not the program for you, but I'm wishing you all the best!

The intimate, one-year coaching program & community designed to crystalize your vision, increase your balance, AND create the life you’ve always wanted while living in harmony in all areas of your life - love and relationships, health and well-being, career and success, AND time and money freedom!

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